Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cut the Fat--Cut the Guilt!

You know, I have been trying to think of ways to improve my diet. I don't eat a lot of fast food, but I consume more of it than I'd like to. Chances are good that you experience, like many of us, the guilt that accompanies a "fast food meal."

Not only is the food high in fats and/or sugars, the portion sizes are ridiculously huge! A person typically eats more than twice the amount of food in calories than they actually need in a meal. And this doesn't include dessert! Here are a few tips that I've been trying to implement to feel healthier and increase my energy... (And they have been helping me tremendously!)

  • Avoid eating out as much as possible. Eat before going out, and bring a bag of nuts, healthy granola bar, or even an apple to tie you over when you get hungry on the run!
  • Watch the cheese! Our culture puts cheese on everything. Pretty soon we'll see it as an ice cream flavor. Ugh, I hope not! Cheese is high in fat, and a portion size is only the size of your pinky. Sorry to say. . .
  • Eat an extra healthy breakfast. I have really been enjoying raw oats with blueberries or strawberries. And if you like soy milk, this is a great alternative to milk, which some do not tolerate. When I eat a great breakfast like this, I want to make more healthy choices throughout the day.
  • Get rid of that sweet tooth! I love chocolate, but the more days I go without it, the less I crave it. This goes for whatever your addiction may be: ice cream, cookies, cake, soda. I just dare you to conquer your craving. It can be so exciting to know you are in control--and not that silly, lifeless portion of food!

Hopefully, you will find that these simple changes, and sometimes not-so-simple changes can make you feel worlds better from day to day. I have found for myself that I feel cleaner inside, and my stomach is definitely flatter. Regular exercise is a great addition to cutting back on those hidden fats. So get focused, and remember that you are in charge of your own body. Make changes now--and rid yourself of the awful guilt that bad food choices can bring.

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