Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Real Food Means Real Fiber

Did you know that the average American does not get near the daily fiber needed for best health? Many of the foods available on store shelves are lacking fiber--the very thing that allows us to feel full and satisfied. Instead, we consume these silly packaged goods and find that we cannot stop eating them and it stands for reason: we aren't getting the fiber!
According to the website,, fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate. The fiber is like a broom pushing out the unneeded "stuff" in our systems. It keeps our bodies clean on the inside. And we need, adults and children alike, about 20 grams of fiber per day.
Whole grain bread, berries, nuts, vegetables, and a variety of beans provide great sources of fiber for our bodies. Notice that none of these come in a manufactured package? (Raw nuts are best--unsalted or sweetened.) These are foods worth getting in the habit of eating.
So for starters, if you know you are consuming lots of white stuff: crackers, bread, pasta, etc. Decide now to switch to the fiber-packed whole wheat foods. You just might find your insides feeling pretty good. Really.